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Related article: whom to check Napoleon at the head of 14,000. He was left, too, entirely unsupported by the pres- ence of any of the Bourbon House or even of any of its strongest ad- herents. There was no one to counteract the charm of Bystolic Nebivolol Napoleon's presence in the country. The King had failed to gain the affections of the people. In his exile he had ** learned nothing and forgotten nothing." Generic For Bystolic The Royal Princes had neither courage, energy, or influence. The Monarchy pusil- lanimously played its game, and took no active measures to organ- ise its own defence. Ney's own advanced guard went over to the Emperor in a body, and he found himself unable to resist the in- Tader, unable to Bystolic 10 Mg maintain the power of a King who was pre- paring to run away, unable to save France from civil war except by accepting the present apparent will of the army and the people. Napoleon clenched the matter and dissolved at once all his old mar- shal's scruples by writing him a friendly letter, giving him orders as if he was already an adherent, and saying, ** I will receive you as on the day following the battle of Moscow.*' Ney gave way to over- mastering conditions. His pro- mises to the King vanished before the Nebivolol Bystolic idea that, if he Generic Bystolic kept them, he would give the signal for a struggle between Frenchmen and French- men, and he threw in his lot with the man whom he had formerly served so well. He joined Napo- leon, was received as if nothing had happened to disturb their mutual trust and friendship, and during the Hundred Days was again the trusted Paladin of the Imperial army. We need not here Price Of Bystolic tell of the prodigies of valour performed by Ney in the short campaign in Belgium, during which he more than maintained his old reputa- tion as ** the bravest among the brave " ; how at Waterloo, in leading Bystolic Pi the successive grand at- tacks by which Napoleon vainly strove to shatter the English line, he had five horses killed under him and his clothes were riddled with bullets, and how to the last he fought as man has seldom What Is Bystolic fought before. Let us accompany him to Paris whither he followed his defeated master. Now, as under all circumstances, his first thought w^as for France. An at- tempt was made in the Chamber of Peers to minimise the results of the late struggle and to provide for carrying on the war. Ney claimed the right to speak and, pointing out how hopeless was Bystolic Cost the situation, he emphatically and successfully showed that the most patriotic course was to make the best terms possible with a Bystolic 5mg too powerful enemy. A general amnesty was p)ro- claimed by the Allied Sovereigns to the partizaus of Napoleon, but with the second restoration of the Bourbons this was ignored and a list of persons to be tried by courts martial for military treason, or by the civil power for political 01- fences, was drawn up by Fouche, who had become Minister of Police. At the head of the cate- gory of proscribed appeared the name of Marshal Ney. Even yet the Government was in so uncer- tain a condition Bystolic Nebivolol Tablets that arrests could not quickly be made and all the threatened persons had an ample opportunity of leaving Bystolic 20 Mg the king- dom. Certainly no special mea- sures were taken to secure Ney, and it was not till some days later that he was arrested in Auvergoe. Bystolic Price It may well be believed that the Bourbons, vindictive as they 1899.] THE DEATH Bystolic 10mg OF MARSHAL NEY. 253 might be, felt somewhat nervous and uneasy at the idea of pro- ceeding against Bystolic 2.5 Mg him. A court martial was ordered to assemble for the trial of the great man, accused of having taken an active part in the events of the Hundred Days, and Marshal Moncey was appointed President. This Bystolic Generic marshal, however, declined Cost Of Bystolic the duty, really because he was unwilling to sit in judgment on an old brother in arms, but alleging, as his ostensible reason, that there was some old-standing personal animosity between him and the prisoner. For this unwillingness to carry out Fouche's policy the Minister of Police procured that Moncey was himself condemned to six months* seclusion in a fortress with loss of pay and sus- pension of rank. Another court martial was convened and, loath though officers were to undertake such a distasteful duty, the ex- ample of Moncey secured that there were no refusals. It was thus constituted : — President, Marshal Jourdan. Members. Marsha] Mass^na. Marshal Augereau. Marshal Moriicr. Lieut. -General Count Gazan. Lieut. -General Count Claparede. Lieut. -General Count Villate. and it assembled on November Bystolic Coupon 9th. There can be little doubt that if this court martial had carried out the trial, Ney would have been acquitted. The four mar- shals and two of the generals had been implicated more or less in hostility to the King, and were nearly, if not quite, as culpable as Ney himself. To the astonish- ment of everybody, Bystolic Tablets however, Ney, on the advice of his counsel, pleaded that the court martial was incompetent to try him, be- voL. Lxxi. — NO. 470. cause the title of a Marshal of France was not a rank in the army alone, but a dignity in the country, and, as holding that position, he could only be tried by the Chamber of Peers. To Ney's sad misfortune, the plea was allowed, for Count Claparede afterwards said that the majority of the court martial had Bystolic 5 Mg made up their minds to an acquittal. It is nearly certain that Fouche, who wished to destroy Ney, had foreseen this and had arranged his plans so that his victim should come before a tribunal where his conviction was certain. In our own day we have seen the trial of another Marshal of France, Bazaine, by a court martial, and, though we believe there was no alteration of the law, there was then no question of its competence to deal with the matter before it« The trial proceeded then befor^ the Chamber of Peers and it was' conducted with infinite disregard of legal forms. The Chamber re- fused to discuss the amnesty